What is a Birth Doula?

Envision the day that you go into labour.

You are feeling all sorts of emotions; excitement, nervousness and everything in between. As you walk into the maternity ward or birthing unit your contractions are every 2 - 3 mins. The midwife is there to help you get your vitals checked and to start monitoring your progress. Your husband is swooped away to complete the last bit of paperwork... And then it hits you, this is really happening...

A loving hand falls on your shoulder and with it comes a flood of calmness with the words "You got this, you are strong and capable, you are doing great!"

This loving hand belongs to your Doula

A Doula is a non-medical support companion who is trained in providing the expectant parents with not just the necessary information they need, but also provide natural based physical comfort measures throughout your pregnancy and natural child birth.  This is done by instilling emotional strength in the parents through information and guidance to remind them that they have nothing to be afraid of.

The doula is not a decision maker, the doula acts as an informational provider for the parents, and will always respect and advocate for the parents' decisions. We also don't interfere with the father’s role in the labour as he is part of this experience. We guide and involve him as much as he is comfortable. Your husband, doula and midwife becomes your dream birthing team.

Having a doula will bring you closer to getting the birth experience you dreamt of.

As your Doula we use comfort methods with a holistic approach to help with your contractions. Some of these methods that we use are massaging or moving you around until we find that one position that makes you the most comfortable. Sometimes different positions in different stages of labour proves more beneficial. We will get you moving around by walking which progresses the labour naturally.

If you do not like to be massaged I am trained to use a Rebozo. A Rebozo it is a hand woven material from Mexico that has been around since the dawn of birth helping woman all over the planet during labour.

Postpartum, a Doula can assist with your breastfeeding journey as well as providing further information on holistic choices for your new-born. For example, How to wrap and carry your baby.

So, why is it important to have a Doula at your Birth? Many people regard having a doula as vitally important, because her presence and support creates a birthing process that is less stressful and more enjoyable.

“Birth is about making mothers strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength” Barbra Katz Rothman

 Why have a Doula for your Birth?